Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Something about the Game Engine

關於 Game Engine

去年八月, 我開始設計 HF 的 Game Engine (我不喜歡「遊戲引擎」這個亂來的翻譯, 故沿用英文). 經過十個月的努力後, Game Engine 大致上完成. 由於 HF 是 Web-based, 加上它是以 Flash 編寫而成, 所以設計 Game Engine 時, 必須要注意到 Server 空間的節省以及 Flash 的運行速度, 跟我以往所作的有頗大的分別.


我希望能夠在 HF 中, 製作戰爭的場面, 所以加入「坐騎系統」, 以加強將領們的氣勢. 在以往的一些遊戲中, 例如: Capcom 的戰斧、蠶食天地, 以及 Koei 的三國無雙, 都有「坐騎系統」. 不過以我的觀察, 坐騎除了有型和速度外, 一般都沒有什麼用處. 英雄在「坐騎」上時, 彷彿被封印了大部份的招式. 如要認真戰鬥, 都必須「下馬」, 這樣實在太遜了. 我希望在 HF 中, 能夠改善這種弊處.


在以一敵百的混戰場面中, 如果只使用小型物件作武器, 實在不夠看頭. 我加入「大型物件」, 希望讓「大塊頭」型角色有更多的發揮.

多重捲軸 Parallax scrolling (又稱為多重平面 Multiplane)

在我以往所製作的多重捲軸的背境, 全部都只能橫向移動. 在 HF, 遊戲畫面會放大、縮小, 以及上下移動, 所以背境的圖層, 會作出縱向及遠近的捲軸效果, 務求表現出境深的立體感.

Something about the Game Engine

Last August, I started to design the Game Engine of HF and after 10 months' effort, it's near the finishing stages. Since HF is web-based and written in Flash, I have to take into account the server space and flash performance during the process which is quite different from my past experience.

Riding System
Riding on a horse makes a hero look cooler. That's why I decided to implement the Riding System. The games like Battle Axe, Warriors of Fate, Dynasty Warriors also have a Riding System. However, the horse (or other animal) in those games only exist for the purpose of being cool or increased agility rather than being helpful in combat. It's really sucks that most of the moves are disabled when riding, so I hope I can overcome this problem in HF.

Giant Object

Special weapon for "Muscle" character in a "1 on 100 battle"

Parallax scrolling (also called Multiplane)

In the past, all the backgrounds I made can only be scrolled horizontally. This time, the backgrounds in HF can be zoomed in/out and vertically scrolled, so I have to do the "parallax scrolling" for those movement accordingly. And this creates a better illusion of 3d.

1 意見:

亞飆Wraind舞 said...



雖然類似的元素在遊戲界裡未必是前無古人的,但若能適當運用也可以成為遊戲的特色之一,甚至發展出相應對戰技術,DOA的"Danger Zone"就是一個成功的例子
