Monday, August 3, 2009

Little update - fixed a few bugs.

剛修了幾個 bug 及更新了遊戲.
另外, 我也在 facebook 建立了 HF 的群組.
歡迎加入及傳給你的朋友們. 謝謝

Just fixed a few bug and update the game.
By the way, I've created a facebook group for HF.
Please join and help spread it to your friends. Thanks you.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hero Fighter v0.1 released

Alpha version released!

開發了接近一年後, 英雄大作戰 HeroFighter 測試版終於面世. 7 月 31 日對我來說是個十分值得記念的日子. 回想過去一年, 每天都工作十幾個小時, 實在有點累, 但能夠完全按自己的想法, 製作一個自己喜歡的遊戲, 令我感到無比的興奮. 在此感激家人對我的支持和諒解!

HeroFighter 是完全免費的, 遊戲要持續發展, 必須要得到大家的支持. 希望你們能把這遊戲介紹給同學、朋友、親戚們. 只要有足夠數量的玩家, 遊戲才有機會生存, 我的夢想才有機會繼續下去. 另外, 如果你們想對遊戲發表意見, 或跟世界各地的玩家交流, 可到以下的網站.

Hero Fighter Yahoo 國際討論區 (請用英文發言)
Hero Fighter 百度貼吧 (中文)

由於時間緊迫, 電腦的 AI 還未能及時完成, 望大家見諒. 現時電腦玩家不懂使用物件及馬匹, 預計在一星期內會作出另一個更新, 把它完成. 在八月及九月, 我希望能完成連線功能, 生存模式及加入新角色. 希望能令你們喜歡. 謝謝!

After 1 year development, HeroFighter's test version is released. 31 July becomes a memorable date for me. It is an incredible experience to work on what I love most! I would like to thank my family who give me so much support.

HeroFighter is 100% free. Its development relies on your support. Please introduce this game to your classmates, friends, cousins... The game can survive only if it has enough player population. If you want to give comments, or communicate with other players worldwide, you can check out the following links:

Hero Fighter Yahoo Group (English only)
Hero Fighter Baidu Bar (Chinese only)

Because the time is tight, computer AI is not finished - computer players still don't know how to use giant weapons and riding... Don't worry, I will finish them in a week. In the coming 2 months, I hope to make the 'network game', 'survival mode' and new character(s). Wish you love it. Thanks!