角色 - 褚英 (Drew)
能舉起重物, 作橫掃式攻擊.
Character - Drew
Skilled in close range attacks and wrestling.
Capable of using giant sized object (as weapon).
A powerful melee fighter
Under development
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Character - Drew
標籤: Character, Drew, Hero Fighter
Character - Lucas
角色 - 龙介 (Lucas)
在近身戰中, 擁有流暢的連技.
Character - Lucas
Good at melee combos.
Sharp blade allows him to attack multiple enemies at one blow.
Has the ability in striking mid-ranged energy blasts.
A well-balanced all rounder.
Under development
標籤: Character, Hero Fighter, Lucas
Something about the Game Engine
關於 Game Engine
去年八月, 我開始設計 HF 的 Game Engine (我不喜歡「遊戲引擎」這個亂來的翻譯, 故沿用英文). 經過十個月的努力後, Game Engine 大致上完成. 由於 HF 是 Web-based, 加上它是以 Flash 編寫而成, 所以設計 Game Engine 時, 必須要注意到 Server 空間的節省以及 Flash 的運行速度, 跟我以往所作的有頗大的分別.坐騎系統
我希望能夠在 HF 中, 製作戰爭的場面, 所以加入「坐騎系統」, 以加強將領們的氣勢. 在以往的一些遊戲中, 例如: Capcom 的戰斧、蠶食天地, 以及 Koei 的三國無雙, 都有「坐騎系統」. 不過以我的觀察, 坐騎除了有型和速度外, 一般都沒有什麼用處. 英雄在「坐騎」上時, 彷彿被封印了大部份的招式. 如要認真戰鬥, 都必須「下馬」, 這樣實在太遜了. 我希望在 HF 中, 能夠改善這種弊處.
在以一敵百的混戰場面中, 如果只使用小型物件作武器, 實在不夠看頭. 我加入「大型物件」, 希望讓「大塊頭」型角色有更多的發揮.
在我以往所製作的多重捲軸的背境, 全部都只能橫向移動. 在 HF, 遊戲畫面會放大、縮小, 以及上下移動, 所以背境的圖層, 會作出縱向及遠近的捲軸效果, 務求表現出境深的立體感.
Something about the Game Engine
Last August, I started to design the Game Engine of HF and after 10 months' effort, it's near the finishing stages. Since HF is web-based and written in Flash, I have to take into account the server space and flash performance during the process which is quite different from my past experience.
Riding System
Special weapon for "Muscle" character in a "1 on 100 battle"
Parallax scrolling (also called Multiplane)
In the past, all the backgrounds I made can only be scrolled horizontally. This time, the backgrounds in HF can be zoomed in/out and vertically scrolled, so I have to do the "parallax scrolling" for those movement accordingly. And this creates a better illusion of 3d.
標籤: Game Engine, Hero Fighter
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Start working on Hero Fighter
開始製作 Hero Fighter
自從 LF2 完成以後, 我一直很想再創作另一個屬於自己的遊戲, 可惜一直為了工作, 没有餘暇去實行這個奢侈的夢想. 直到去年, 幾經掙扎後, 我終於把日間的工作辭去, 專心在家製作我的新遊戲 - Hero Fighter (英雄大作戰, 簡稱 HF). 希望在首年把遊戲「初步完成」, 然後再選一條適合自己的職業道路.
跟 LF 一樣, HF 也是一個「混戰型」的格鬥遊戲, 不過, HF 是 web-based 的, 它無需安裝, 只需以瀏覽器開啓網址, 就可以玩到. 在往後的日子裡, 我會在 HeroFighter.com 的網頁內, 不時更新遊戲. 我預計大概在本年七月底, 先發放 HF v0.1 - 它只是一個簡單的「單機」遊戲, 只有兩三個角色. 在及後的更新中, 我將會慢慢加入新的角色及遊戲模式 (在首半年, 計劃每月加入一至兩個角色), 希望終有一天, 能夠把 HF 發展成一個多人在線的遊戲.
這個 blog, 將會是用作發放 HF 消息及與 Fans 交流的地方. 因為有很大部份的 Fans 都看不懂中文, 所以儘管我的英文一般, 我還是會盡量的把自己的文章譯成英文, 如果有什麼文法出錯或者筆誤, 希望你們多多見諒.
Start working on Hero Fighter
After the completion of LF2, I was always thinking of making another new game. However, because of my daily job, I can hardly find the time to pursue my goal. Last year, after struggling for months, I finally made a difficult decision to quit my job. And concentrate on working on my new game - Hero Fighter (HF). I hope the game can be finished "preliminarily" in the first year. Afterwards I will look for a career path which would suit me most.
Like LF2, HF is also a fighting game. But HF is web-based which does not require installation and can be played in your browser right away. In the coming days, I will keep updating and releasing new versions of HF in HeroFighter.com. By the end of July, I plan to release the first version (v0.1) - that is just a simple "stand alone" game with 2~3 characters only. I will keep adding new characters and game modes to the game (in the first half year, I plan to add 1~2 characters per month). I wish I can eventually make HF into a multi-player online game.
This blog is for releasing HF news and talking to fans. Because a large part of fans cannot read Chinese, I will try my best to translate my articles to English. As my English is not that good, please forgive me for any grammatical mistakes.
Look back on "Little Fighter"
回顧 Little Fighter
我在 1998 年, 還在諗大學二年級時. 開始創作 Little Fighter 2 (LF2). 由於我對有關 network 的編程一竅不通, 所以找到我的同學 Starsky 的協助. 記得當時為了爭取時間, 希望趕緊在畢業前把遊戲完成, 七成以上的課堂都缺席了. 有些學科, 甚至到考試時才第一次見到導師的樣子.
LF2 的更新不斷在網頁發表 (詳見 LF2 progress time table), 它從只有 1 個角色及 vs 模式, 慢慢變成擁在 24 個角色及 4 種遊戲模式. 網頁的瀏覽數目從零升到幾千萬, 遊戲的受歡迎程度大大超出我的想像. 如果遊戲不是這樣受歡迎, 遊戲很有可能會在完成 11 個原始角色後便不再更新. Fans 的支持給予很大動力, 迫使我把遊戲的計劃一再擴大, 所以在大學畢業時 (2000年夏), 遊戲仍離完成甚遠.
畢業後, 我找到第一份工作 - 編寫手機遊戲. 當時白天上班, 並不輕鬆. 到晚上, 編寫 LF2 至深夜, 每天只睡四、五個小時, 感到非常辛苦. 一年後, 終於抵受不了, 把工作辭去, 然後花大半年時間, 全職把 LF2 完成. 由於當時沒有收入, 又要償還大學學費的貸款, 財政一度十份拮据. 不過現在看來, 當天一切的付出都是值得的.
Look back on "Little Fighter"
In 1998, when I was a 2nd year undergrad student, I started to create Little Fighter 2 (LF2). As I knew nothing about network programming, I asked my classmate Starsky to help me out with that. Coz I wanted to finish the game before my graduation, I was absent from most of the lessons.
As LF2 updates were released (see LF2 progress time table), it got more and more popular. The hit counter even reached 40 million. Its popularity was totally out of my expectation. Fans encourage me a lot, and this makes me expand the spec of LF2 for several times.
When I graduated, the game was still far from finished. At the day time, I have to work for my living in a cell phone game company. After the dinner, I worked for LF2 til midnight. It was really tired getting only 4, 5 hours sleep everyday. So after a year, I quitted my job and worked on LF2 in full-time. Without income for more than a half year, I had a rough time financially. But as I look back on this, I can say LF2 was worth every effort.
標籤: Little Fighter